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Veganism, sex and politics


by C Lou Hamilton, HammerOn Press 2019

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SKU: AD-4957 Category: Tags: , Publishers:


Veganism is so much more than what we eat. It’s about striving to live an ethical life in a profoundly unethical world. Is being vegan difficult or is it now easier than ever? What does veganism have to do with wider struggles for social justice – feminism, LGBTQ+ politics, anti-racism, environmentalism?

C. Lou Hamilton’s compulsively readable book dives deep into the heart of these questions. Veganism, Sex and Politics explores the potential dangers and irresistible pleasures of living a vegan life.

  • Based on the author’s vegan journey
  • Explores connections between veganism, feminist, queer and anti-racist politics
  • Analyses debates about Veganism, Ethical Consumerism and Climate Change

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