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We will never look away. Gaza will live sticker

Suggested Price: £0.05

Free Palestine! Stickers by donation – apart from the name your price function doesn’t seem to be working, so we have put them on at a cheap price for now and will try to fix soon!

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SKU: AD-5750 Category: Tags: , Publishers:


Feb 2024: Despite a ruling in the International Courts of Justice that genocide is being committed in Palestine, the relentless onslaught continues. We are grieving, and we are angry. We grieve for the Palestinian struggle that has been keeping its spirit for 75 years. And we are angry at our governments for supporting this genocide, at our corporations for supplying arms and profiting from the war, and at our media for their refusal to treat Palestinians as people.

Over 35000 killed. Of which over 13000 were children. At least 67000 injured. 2 million people displaced. Homes, and all infrastructure destroyed or damaged, hospitals and schools targeted and closed. Denied food, water, essential supplies.

These stickers are by donation, please help with costs if you can but the main thing is to keep Palestine on the agenda and in our awareness. Please also donate to organisations supplying aid and organising resistance.
Image is from the free graphics library by the Just Seeds Artists’ Collective

Additional information

Weight 0.004 kg