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419, Left For Dead


“LFD are three ageing,balding widening old farts (with the exception of Glyn who might not be fat but his brain is all puffed up so it serves him right for looking ten years younger than he should) hitting their instruments and convincing themselves that there still really with it man.”

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Left for Dead staggered into the UK punk scene in 1996 performing their first gig alongside The Restarts and Hellkrusher at the Acton Arms in Hackney.


This was quickly followed by numerous gig offers and from then on in it has been one long manic journey. Left For Dead have toured in Germany, Czech republic and the UK.


They have released numerous records along the way including splits with the Restarts and Zemesluc from Czech Republic. They started by recording several demos off their own backs and from there progressed to recording their first full cd which was imaginatively called DEMO (sold out). Following these success’s LFD had a 7″ released on Gas Records in Germany called Fuck Your Authority and have recently released a new album on their own Dead Records label called All Yeast ‘n’ Cider.


Left For Dead’s music can best be described as ‘old skool punk rock with a melodic but still aggressive edge’.

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