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Airmid’s Journal Spring Equinox 2023


Airmid’s Journal Spring 2023

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Airmid’s Journal is a biannual journal of Irish foraging, folklore, myth, magic, and remedies. Each issue is intended to be an ever-growing tapestry of stories, woven together with the plants of this land. Old stories, new stories, personal tales, and present spells.

This new issue steps across a threshold laid with rushes, with Cealtair dhraíochta draped around shoulders, a crane skin bag readied for opening at the fullest tide and a fist full of herbs to support and guide us across personal and collective transitions. Airmid’s Journal invokes Corrghuineacht, Crane magic, one arm raised and one eye open, liminal poetry of the edge dwellers.

Contributions from: Sam Ó Fearraigh Enagh Farrell Hag Club Tommy Foster Hannah Laga Abram Annie Hogg Emily Waszak Natalia Beylis.

Published by Wild Awake
28 pages
150 x 210 mm

Additional information

Weight 0.058 kg