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Growing up queer, Cuban and punk in Miami
Cristy C. Road’s illustrated novel of her struggles in youth.
Microcosm 2006

SKU: AD-4575 Categories: ,


The follow up to Greenzine #14; Cristy Road now offers up a novel about her years in grade school and high school in Miami – valiantly trying to figure out and defend her gender identity, cultural roots, punk rock nature, and mortality. You know that the artwork alone in here makes this a page-turner and the whole package more exciting. Cristy has always existed to remind us of the strength and ability of punk youth – for addressing things like rape, homophobia, and misogyny. This is no exception; giving voice to every frustrated 15-year-old girl under fire from her peers for being queer or butch or punk.

Additional information

Weight 0.140000 kg