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News of the Spanish Revolution


News of the Spanish Revolution : Anti-authoritarian Perspectives on the Events. Kate Sharpley Library and Charlatan Stew: 2012. 88 pages.

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SKU: AD-2635 Category: Publishers:


Seven articles published in “One Big Union Monthly”, a journal of the Industrial Workers of the World, July, 1937 to February 1938, plus two later pieces on the experiences of participants.
A collection edited by Charlatan Stew.
Members of the North American revolutionary syndicalist union Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W.) have always followed international struggles with great interest. In 1936, when the Spanish Revolution began, they were inspired by the part played by the anarchist-led Spanish labor union confederation, the CNT, and the endeavor to create a self-governing egalitarian society. From the IWW’s critical understanding of the danger posed by the authoritarian left, including the Communist parties of the world and the government of the Soviet Union, they were on their guard against the behavior of these groups in Spain. In the IWW press people like Joseph Wagner wrote and translated articles about the Spanish situation, offering alternative perspectives not available in either the Communist or liberal press. This collection contains some of these articles, offering a sample of what English-speaking anti-authoritarians could read about the Spanish Revolution in the late 1930s.
In addition, the pamphlet contains two articles published later about participants’ experiences. One is by Russell Blackwell, who became an anarcho-syndicalist as a result of his experiences in Spain. The final article is about Federico Arcos, a Spanish anarchist veteran of the revolution. It provides a glimpse into what the anarchists of Spain experienced and what the participation of international fighters who went to Spain meant to them.

The Spanish Revolution: A brief introduction by Charlatan Stew (2012)
Workers War To Stop Fascism: Reports on the events in Spain by the Secretariat of the International Workingmen’s Association, translation from the French by Joseph Wagner (July, 1937)
Class Collaboration—Old And New: A timely reminder of working class political experience, and A. Shapiro’s open letter to the C.N.T., by Joseph Wagner (August, 1937)
A Soldier Returns by Bill Wood (September, 1937)
Counter-Revolution In Spain by R. Louzon, introduction and translation from the French by Joseph Wagner (October, 1937)
Hi-Jacking The Revolution: Some interesting facts about the betrayal of Spanish workers by the “friends” from Moscow by L. Nicholas, introduction and translation from the French by Joseph Wagner (November, 1937)
Failure of the Workers Alliance by L. Nicolas, translation from the French by Joseph Wagner (January, 1938)
The “Uncontrollables” In Spain by Sophia Fagin (February, 1938)

The Spanish Revolution Revisited by Russell Blackwell (1968)
“You experienced the war, I experienced the revolution!” (1996)
Suggestions for Further Reading by Charlatan Stew (2012) 

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